ST5101-Advanced Concrete Structures- UNIT3 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS
ST5101-Advanced Concrete Structures- UNIT3 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS
Design of flat slabs and flat plates according to IS method – Check for shear - Design of spandrel beams - Yield line theory and Hillerborg’s strip method of design of slabs.
1. Advantages and disadvantages of flat slab?
2. Components of flat slab?
3. Assumptions of equivalent frame method?
4. What are the assumptions made in yield line theory?
5. What is meant by punching shear?
6. Give any two characteristics of yield line?
7. What are the limitations of yield line theory?
8. What are the limitations of Hillerborg’s strip method?
9. Differentiate b/w yield line and strip line?
10. Write down the steps in the design for spandrel beams.
1. Estimate the dimensions of a flat slab system (with drops) for a four storey building with 5 spans of 8 m in the longer direction, 5 spans of 6 m in the shorter directions and a storey height of 3m.
2. A simply supported slab panel is 4 m x 6 m and carries a udl of 5 kN/m2 at collapse. Determine the moment of resistance if it is the same in the two directions. Use yield line theory.
3. Design a RC grid floor to cover an area of 12m x 12m. The ribs are spaced at 1.5 m intervals. Line load on the floor is 2.0 kN/m2.
4. Find the ultimate load for orthotropically reinforced rectangular slab, simply supported over all four edges and uniformly loaded.
5. A plain braced concrete wall of dimensions 10 m high, 6 m long and 200 mm thick is restrained against rotation at its base and unrestrained at ends. If it has to carry a factored total gravity load of 200 kN and a factored horizontal load of 8.5 kN at the top, check the safety of the wall. Assume fcn = 20 and fy = 415.
6. A reinforced concrete deep grider is continuous over spans of 10 m apart, from center to Centre. It is 4.5 m deep, 300 mm thick, and the supports are columns 900 mm in width. If the grider supports a udl of 200 kN/m including its own weight, design the necessary steel assuming M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
7. Design an interior panel of a flat slab 6mby6m, for a live load of 7KN/m2 .Use M20 &Fe415, provide two-way reinforcement.
8. The roof of a hall measures 26mby34m, and consists of flat slab construction dividing it into 16 panels. Design all the panels of the roof for a live load of 6.5Kn/m2..Use M20 &Fe415 provide two-way reinforcement
9. Design a simply supported slab of size 4m by 3m using yield line theory. The slab is subjected to a live load of 3.5kn/m2.And floor finish of 1.5kN/m2. . Use M20 &Fe415.
10. Design an interior panel of a flat slab in a building carrying a live load of 3kN/m2. The weight of floor finishes on the slab may be taken as 2 kN/m2. The panel is supported on 300 mm dia circular columns. Size of panel is 5m x 7m. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
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